Grid Making
The process of making a grid or framework by attaching active material, for both car batteries and motorcycle batteries
The process of attaching the active material to the grid/lead sheet to produce a strong unformed plate with good electrical conductivity.
Battery Assembly
The process of combining all battery components into battery. The assembling process uses automatic machines and is equipped with pokayoke (anti-error detection) to guarantee battery quality.
Battery Charging
The process of filling electrolyte and charging the battery which functions to provide an electrical charge to the battery.
We guarantee the quality of the product produced by the company can meet standards and suit customer needs. We control our product and production process from receiving the raw material [Incoming process] and then moves to the inspection process which happens during the production process [in-process inspection], and lastly to the final production process before the product is sent to the customer [pre-delivery inspection].
To ensure that every product produced is of the best quality, GS Battery has a laboratory (chemical laboratory, testing, calibration) that has passed certification as well as quality control and an integrated monitoring system.